Tuesday, August 30, 2011


As always, keeping it classy

It’s summer. It’s hot. You really need a breeze…so why not get one on a rollercoaster? If you are on your way to Six flags over whatever, Busch Gardens, Cedar Point, or (here in Italy) Mirabilandia the question becomes what to wear? Well, it’s still hot…so probably not a parka. And, there are wet rides…so maybe something meant to get wet. Oh how about a bathing suit! Awesome idea! Then if we get wet, it’s all good.

This was the first bathing costume I saw when I entered the park.  It was terrifying.  What you can’t see in this picture is his fanny pack… err um, manny pack?  Waist murse?  Cod piece with handy storage areas?  I don’t know.  What does one call that fashion atrocity from the 90’s?

Starting them young

This is a smurfy example of the daisy duke for men or man dukes.

This look was all over the park. He has a shirt, he has shoes, where are this man’s pants? We went to see the coolest amusement park show ever. It was stunt cars/ trucks/motorcycles. At the start of the show they had a couple audience members down on the track and eventually get them to dance. There was a guy wearing a t-shirt, shoes and a blue banana hammock in front of the world throwing out his best club moves. Lord have mercy. It was an international version of that crappy cable show, Pants off Dance off.

On to the women (All the male readers breathe a collective sigh of relief)! 

Besides showing a couple of well built Italian chicks walking through the park, the girl on the right is showing a trend on Italian beaches I haven’t seen elsewhere. The trend is to tie a standard halter bikini top in amazingly creative ways to avoid tan lines. I am going to need to do a whole post on this, but I am totally lacking photos to do so. Sounds like I am going to need to go to the beach!

Just because you have kids to take around the park is no reason to put on proper clothing.


In fact, the kids can just run around topless. 

I am pretty sure the backpack is going to give you some funky tan lines lady.

This was my favorite backpack though. Here is this lady in her Mom shirt and Khaki capris with “Angerfist” on her bag. Angerfist is the name of a hardcore techno/DJ Dutch dude. I’m sure she is a big fan.
Bathing suits and bags were not the only fashions of note. Nope. There were also some pretty awesome shoes.

Who doesn’t say, “I’m going to an amusement park. I am going to be walking a lot…maybe riding some wet rides…I think I will wear my rhinestone strappy pumps.“?

Or, “It’s 105 degrees, where are my black boots?”
I suppose fashion should not be viewed at amusement parks, carnival and festivals the same way it is in the rest of our daily activities, but still:

A manny pack AND a murse? Have you people never heard of cargo shorts?